January 24, 2010

Getting Settled

I am simultaneously overwhelmed and in awe of the amount of new things I've learned in the last two weeks in this course. I never would have thought that I would ever start a sentence, "So I was on Twitter and..." And now I have a website, blog, and am a member of several social media sites. Who knew?

I think the things I am learning to do and discover online are absolutely fascinating. The amount of information that is available to me within seconds is equally liberating and paralyzing. I am excited to learn how to work through the noise and discover really useful resources. I found an awesome site called This Week in Education that I think will be really interesting to explore. It is written daily by an ex-Senate staffer with updates about politics, education, and the overlap thereof. Unfortunately, there is no RSS option but I think it will be great to follow and explore.

January 17, 2010

Tweet Tweet

Follow me! @MsJasinski

Technology Background

I, as many students probably do, have an intense love/hate relationship with technology. My generation is fortunate enough to grow up during a technology boom, there has been such an incredible increase during my life. In elementary school I remember what a big deal it was when we got computer lab time and got to play Oregon Trail or Ultra Keys. I couldn't have imagined that ten years later, not having access to a computer at all times seems like an inconvenience. I am a very basic technology user. I have a cell phone with me every day but it is not a smart phone or anything fancy. It makes calls and sends texts when it feels agreeable. I have a mac laptop computer that is really easy to use. I use it mainly for basic internet use (email and facebook) and word processing for classes. I have a digital camera (I love pictures but beyond red-eye removal and cropping I don't do much photo editing) and a iPod that I use sparingly. Music is very important to me but I listen mainly via iTunes on my computer or to CDs in my car.

The love portion of my experiences with technology is that I know I couldn't get by without it. It keeps me connected with my friends and family and organized for my classes and personal life. I keep myself very busy and really like using the Calendar option in my Gmail. The hate side is that I feel like my knowledge base is at a very basic level. I'm comfortable with computers and can catch on fairly quickly, but I have virtually (no pun intended) no knowledge about how most technology works, how to fix problems I may have, or how to use different types of technology past their most basic functions.

I'm really excited about the prospects of this class. I know how important technology is to our lives and how I'm sure it will only become more and more prominent.

Hello Blog World

Hi everyone! This is my first time using and being active in the blogging community. I am wary but excited about the possibilities for communication and networking. I am starting this blog as an assignment for a course I'm taking but I will hopefully learn to use it for much more.