May 09, 2011

I Did It!

After five very exciting, long, and challenging years - I graduated from MSU!  Although I am an incredibly nostalgic person, I was filled with nothing but excitement and happiness the entire weekend.  I am so thankful to be surrounded by wonderful and supportive people.  I have the best family I could ever imagine and it was really special to share this time with them.  It was just as big of an accomplishment for my family as it was for me to see me through this step of my life.  Everything I have been involved with since my first day on campus has helped make this a really incredible journey.  Forever a Spartan!

May 02, 2011

Truly Historic

What an amazing evening to be a history teacher!  President Obama just announced that the United States was successful in finding and killing Osama Bin Laden.  Events like this are going to be remembered by our generation forever and are on par with Kennedy's assassination and the first moonwalk.  I think Obama did a wonderful job of reminding our very divided country how much things have changed since 9/11.  Hopefully this will bring even a small amount of unity back for a short time.  It is hard to say what this means in the larger scope of things.  I worry that we are entering a very scary time on the international level and for our troops.  That being said, this is a truly symbolic announcement and it will be something I always remember.

I was in my wood shop class in middle school the morning of 9/11 and I can remember a similar sense of fear and confusion as the one I felt when they first announced that Obama was making an emergency address to the country.  I'm currently watching the re-play of Obama's address on CNN which is being played on a split screen with coverage of the celebrations taking place in Washington D.C. and around the country.  This is really amazing.